How RHIA Works

Existing Bylaws were established by the developer in the mid 1960s. Bylaws state how the Association will run. Read RHIA Bylaws: click here.
RHIA Mission
The mission of the RHIA is to foster and perpetuate the beauty and décor of Rustic Hills, filings #1 and #2, through monitoring:
(a) the maintenance of roads,
(b) the enforcement and review of the covenants,
(c) adherence to the architectural supervision, and
(d) any other matters that pertain to or are brought before the association.
These are set by the members each spring at the RHIA annual meeting. For decades, including 2019, the annual dues are $25 per household, but at the May 2019 Annual Meeting, the members voted to raise the dues to $50 annually, beginning May 1, 2020. Only paid members may vote at the Annual meeting – one vote per property. RHIA files no liens for unpaid dues, because dues are voluntary.
RHIA Board of Directors
The Board includes four at-large officers (one-year terms) – President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer plus six Representatives (three from Filing 1 and three from Filing 2) who serve staggered three-year terms. See current members.
The Bylaws state that the RHIA shall have two standing committees: an Architectural and Protective Covenants Committee; and a Bridle Paths and Trails Committee. The RHTC was established as a committee. We currently have a Hospitality Committee as well. Each year, there shall also be an ad hoc Nominating Committee and an Auditing Committee tasked to provide their findings at the Annual Meeting.
State HOA Law
As a voluntary association, RHIA is not subject to requirements of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA). However, the state’s Non-Profit Act covers associations.
Existing Bylaws were established by the developer in the mid 1960s. Bylaws state how the Association will run. Read RHIA Bylaws: click here.
RHIA Mission
The mission of the RHIA is to foster and perpetuate the beauty and décor of Rustic Hills, filings #1 and #2, through monitoring:
(a) the maintenance of roads,
(b) the enforcement and review of the covenants,
(c) adherence to the architectural supervision, and
(d) any other matters that pertain to or are brought before the association.
These are set by the members each spring at the RHIA annual meeting. For decades, including 2019, the annual dues are $25 per household, but at the May 2019 Annual Meeting, the members voted to raise the dues to $50 annually, beginning May 1, 2020. Only paid members may vote at the Annual meeting – one vote per property. RHIA files no liens for unpaid dues, because dues are voluntary.
RHIA Board of Directors
The Board includes four at-large officers (one-year terms) – President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer plus six Representatives (three from Filing 1 and three from Filing 2) who serve staggered three-year terms. See current members.
The Bylaws state that the RHIA shall have two standing committees: an Architectural and Protective Covenants Committee; and a Bridle Paths and Trails Committee. The RHTC was established as a committee. We currently have a Hospitality Committee as well. Each year, there shall also be an ad hoc Nominating Committee and an Auditing Committee tasked to provide their findings at the Annual Meeting.
State HOA Law
As a voluntary association, RHIA is not subject to requirements of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA). However, the state’s Non-Profit Act covers associations.
*** Disclaimer: Nothing on this page constitutes legal advice. Do not rely on this representation. Read the documents and consult with your own attorney. ***