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The 2024 Colorado Springs Fire Department Chipping Program is now closed. The information below will be updated once the 2025 schedule is available.
You may register on-line: Neighborhood-chipping-program
OR Call 719-385-7493
OR Email: [email protected]
For additional information, links to the CSFD Home Page: https://www.coswildfireready.org/ and the Chipping Region Map
Please do NOT feed wildlife, not only is it illegal, it does "more harm than good." Review the Colorado Parks & Wildlife on feeding wildlife: cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/do-not-feed-wildlife.aspx
The 2024 Colorado Springs Fire Department Chipping Program is now closed. The information below will be updated once the 2025 schedule is available.
You may register on-line: Neighborhood-chipping-program
OR Call 719-385-7493
OR Email: [email protected]
- There are two dates for Rustic Hills Acres neighbors to sign up: June 3rd and / or August 26th. This is the start date, piles will be picked up sometime within the next two weeks of that date. Note: piles must be out on the scheduled start date. Residents may sign-up for one date or both dates. If you are not going to participate, but have registered, please call 719-385-7493 to cancel.
- This is a free service to residents, please be respectful of the request by CSFD on stacking your piles and what is acceptable. Review the CSFD Neighborhood Chipping Program
For additional information, links to the CSFD Home Page: https://www.coswildfireready.org/ and the Chipping Region Map
Please do NOT feed wildlife, not only is it illegal, it does "more harm than good." Review the Colorado Parks & Wildlife on feeding wildlife: cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/do-not-feed-wildlife.aspx
City-Wide Peak Alerts
"Know Your Zone" is part of the Peak Alerts System. Peak Alerts is used to notify you of emergency situations that are a threat to life or property and are sent to specific affected areas. The tagline is COSReady, which contains three parts:
1. Evacuation Order- which means you should leave right now.
2. Pre-evacuation Warning, which means you should prepare and be ready to evacuate.
3. Shelter-In-Place notification, which means you stay where you are at until further notice.
Once the impacted zone(s) are determined, an Administrator will support the notification process which typically takes about 2.5 to 3 minutes. A standard and consistent message will go out over the cellphone systems, social media and mainstream TV and radio media. Individuals who are signed-up for Peak Alerts will receive notification if they are in an impacted zone.
"Know Your Zone" is part of the Peak Alerts System. Peak Alerts is used to notify you of emergency situations that are a threat to life or property and are sent to specific affected areas. The tagline is COSReady, which contains three parts:
- 1- Sign Up for Alerts (https://member.everbridge.net/1772417038942752/new)
- 2- Know Your Zone (https://community.zonehaven.com/)
- 3- Make A Plan (Go to the COSReady site at https://coloradosprings.gov/ready for resources)
1. Evacuation Order- which means you should leave right now.
2. Pre-evacuation Warning, which means you should prepare and be ready to evacuate.
3. Shelter-In-Place notification, which means you stay where you are at until further notice.
Once the impacted zone(s) are determined, an Administrator will support the notification process which typically takes about 2.5 to 3 minutes. A standard and consistent message will go out over the cellphone systems, social media and mainstream TV and radio media. Individuals who are signed-up for Peak Alerts will receive notification if they are in an impacted zone.
Special thanks to all who helped make the 2023 RHIA Picnic another fun time!
Over 150 neighbors and guests attended the event on a beautiful and sunny late summer day.
Food and cash donations from neighbors were made to Holy Cross Lutheran Church Pantry.
With gratitude to: Captain D's for food donations, Tom and Marion Hartig for hosting, and Tony James for the best BBQ in town.
A big shout out and thank you to the Front Range Big Band returning for another year and featuring two of our talented neighbors: Gary Gossage and Teri Pederson.
Over 150 neighbors and guests attended the event on a beautiful and sunny late summer day.
Food and cash donations from neighbors were made to Holy Cross Lutheran Church Pantry.
With gratitude to: Captain D's for food donations, Tom and Marion Hartig for hosting, and Tony James for the best BBQ in town.
A big shout out and thank you to the Front Range Big Band returning for another year and featuring two of our talented neighbors: Gary Gossage and Teri Pederson.
Spring 2023 Newsletter
For general information about our neighborhood, read Rustic Hills Information (2022)
For general information about our neighborhood, read Rustic Hills Information (2022)